1. Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon

Which brings us to number one; completing a horror-comedy trifecta. Behind the Mask is not only an infinitely intelligent dissection of the slasher genre, but a deliciously classic slasher film itself.

Behind the Mask tells the tale of Leslie Vernon, an aspiring serial killer who dreams of being as notorious as Jason Voorhees or Michael Meyers (all of whom exist in this reality). Followed around by a team of journalists composing a documentary about famous slashers, Leslie breaks down his approaches, and his perspectives on the best techniques to killing, alluding capture and the creation of terror, all while being ironic and symbolic.

For a film to effortlessly blend such insight with pure terror is nothing short of genius. If you are a fan of the slasher sub-genre you owe it to yourself to watch Behind the Mask and hell, this movie is so good it may even be able to win some coverts.

Behind the Mask Trailer

Monday, March 22, 2010